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Self-Care and Leadership Development Book Club

A free online reading community to:

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Carve out time for reading

as a self-care practice

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Dive into books that focus on taking care of you

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Connect and learn together

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The book "Existential Kink: Unmask your shadow and embrace your power" cover

Existential Kink: Unmask Your Shadow and Embrace Your Power (A method for getting what you want by getting off on what you don't) by by Carolyn Elliott PhD

From Amazon:

A smart, sexy guide to embracing the repressed, tabooed, and often unwanted aspects of ourselves so we can discover our inner power and finally live the life we deserve.


“We always get exactly what we want; but often, though we may not be aware of it, what we most want is dark—very dark.”


Each of us has a dual nature: we are light (conscious) and dark (unconscious). The dark side of our personality—the “other,” the shadow side—is made up of what we think is our primitive, primal, negative impulses—our “existential kink.” Our existential kink also drives the dark or negative repeating patterns in our life: always choosing the abusive partner or boss, settling for less, thinking that we’re undeserving, not worthy. But it also is the source of our greatest power.


In Existential Kink, Carolyn Elliott, PhD, offers a truth-telling guide for bringing our shadow into the light. Inviting us to make conscious the unconscious, Elliott asks us to own the subconscious pleasure we get from the stuck, painful patterns of our existence.

Book Club Info: How the Self-Care Book Club Works 1. Become an Insider - Sign up on this site by entering your name and email - Go check your inbox for an email confirmation and all the details (no worries, you can always opt out later) - In the email you receive via email:        + An exclusive link to our members-only discussion hub        + The scoop on what we're currently reading and our chat schedule 2. Dive into the Pages: - If you don't have the book yet, snag a copy or borrow it from your local library - Time to get lost in the book! 3. Chat and Connect - Pop into our discussion group whenever it fits your schedule - Share your thoughts, feelings, and aha moments with the crew - We usually spend around 3 months vibing with each book, so you can read at your own speed during that time

FAQ: Q: Can I swap reading for listening to the audiobook? A: Absolutely! Whatever works best for you. Q: Is this a big commitment? A: Not at all! You can come and go as you please, no pressure. Q: How much time do I have to finish a book? A: We usually spend around 3 months on each book, so you can read at your own speed within that timeframe. Q: How many books are we tackling? A: The plan is to read 4 amazing books together each year. Q: Are there any in-person or live meetings I need to attend? A: Nope, this book club is 100% virtual! All our discussions happen online, and you can hop in whenever it's convenient for you. I'll keep you in the loop via email. Q: Do you guys provide the books? A: Sorry, that's on you! You'll need to grab the books yourself. Q: How do I join the discussion group? A: Easy peasy! Just fill out the form on this page to sign up, and I'll shoot you an email with the link to the group. Q: Help! I'm having a technical issue or question! A: No worries, just hit up the contact form at the bottom of this page, and we'll get you sorted out. Q: Do I have to join every discussion? What should I even share? A: Nah, you don't have to participate in every discussion if you don't want to. Share whatever you feel comfortable with – ask questions, respond to comments, start a convo, ask for or give support. It's all good! Q: What if I'm not feeling it? Can I leave the book club? A: Of course! If it's not your jam, just head out of the group. No hard feelings, I promise. And if a particular book isn't your cup of tea, feel free to put it down. Life's too short to force yourself through a book you're not into. Q: My mom/sister/friend/partner/colleague would totally dig this book! Can I invite them? A: Yes, please do! Just pass along this link: and they can sign up to join the fun. There you have it, folks! If you've got any other questions, just give me a shout.

Guidelines for our book club and community: 1. Respect is key! Treat all members and yourself with kindness and understanding. 2. No sales pitches allowed! Keep the discussion group promo-free, whether it's paid or unpaid. 3. When we're talking about self-care, remember that it's a unique journey for everyone. What works for you might not be someone else's cup of tea, and that's okay! Self-care looks different for everyone, depending on their culture, personality, and preferences. 4. This community is a fantastic place to connect and share, but it's not a substitute for professional help. If you need medical advice, therapy, or expert support, please don't hesitate to reach out to the pros. 5. Let's treat reading as a sacred practice and our book club as a sacred space. We're here to appreciate the incredible gift of gaining knowledge through books and sharing this amazing learning experience with each other. 6. This space should be a safe haven for everyone. What's shared within our community stays within our community. Let's create a trusting environment where we can all open up and be ourselves without worrying about our personal experiences and thoughts being shared elsewhere.

The Self-Care and Leadership Development Book Club is hosted by Master Coach Amanda L. Christian

Hey there, book enthusiasts! Amanda here, your passionate guide on this transformative journey through the Self-Care and Leadership Development Book Club. I want to take a moment to share with you the driving force behind this incredible community and how it can revolutionize your approach to self-care and leadership development. Can you relate to this? I'm an avid reader, but sometimes the demands of life make it challenging to keep reading as a top priority. I'll have the best intentions of diving into a book at the end of the day, but there's always something else vying for my attention. And let's not even mention the ever-growing stack of partially-read books on my nightstand! But here's the game-changer: reading with others can make all the difference. When we unite as a community, we tap into a powerful source of motivation and accountability. Plus, engaging in meaningful discussions about what we're learning helps cement the insights in our minds and hearts. I wholeheartedly believe that connection is the catalyst for transformative self-care and leadership growth. That's why I've poured my heart into creating this book club – to provide a space where we can all feel supported, inspired, and empowered on our personal and professional development journeys. Over the past decades, I've immersed myself in a wealth of self-care and leadership books. While much of it was for research purposes, it was also a deeply personal pursuit. Self-care and effective leadership might seem like innate skills, but they are actually disciplines that many of us need to consciously cultivate as we navigate the complexities of life and work. Not only can prioritizing self-care and leadership development help prevent burnout and manage stress, but it also enables us to show up as our best selves, inspire others, and create a meaningful impact in our lives and the lives of those we lead. So, here's my commitment to you: I'll thoughtfully curate books that we can all learn and grow from, and I'll foster an inclusive, supportive space for transformative conversations. All you need to do is bring your curiosity, openness, and enthusiasm to the table. I am beyond excited to connect with each and every one of you as we embark on this life-changing journey together!

Head shot picture of Amanda L Christian

Everyone is invited! Sign up for free here:

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