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Work With Me

Embrace Your Unique Path
Perfectly Imperfect, Just Like You

It’s time to rediscover—or perhaps discover for the first time—the limitless potential within you. You hold the power to reshape your reality, to transform, and to adapt in ways you never thought possible. You’re capable of more than you realize, and it’s time to tap into that potential.

I don’t believe in cookie-cutter solutions. Your journey is your own, and together, we’ll create a personalized plan that challenges you to break free from the monotonous routine and steer your life toward something meaningful and fulfilling. You’re not here to just get by—you’re here to live a life that’s truly yours, filled with purpose and passion.

As we work together, I’ll be by your side every step of the way, guiding you as you reconnect with the inner wisdom that’s been there all along. Whether you have specific goals in mind or just need a new direction, our work will evolve to meet your needs. With over 30 years of experience understanding the complexities of the human experience, my approach is anything but typical—it’s grounded, insightful, and tailored to you.

I’m here to listen, to challenge, and to help you embrace the extraordinary person you are. You don’t need to fit into anyone else’s mold—your path is perfectly imperfect, and that’s where your power lies.

Let’s say “yes” to everything life has to offer and unlock the full spectrum of your potential. It’s time to step into a life that’s fully and uniquely yours.

Choose Your Path

Individual coaching is an incredible investment in yourself.

Private Individualized Coaching

Private coaching is a sacred space for you to do your most powerful work.

The Pathfinder’s Journey:
Unlock Your True Potential: Your Path to a Life You Love

No time to read it all? Listen to it!


Picture this: you're standing at the crossroads of your life, knowing that something needs to change but unsure where to begin. That’s where I come in. I’m Amanda Christian, your guide and partner in this transformative journey. Together, we’ll clear away the fog of doubt and overwhelm, uncover your true potential, and craft the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Your Journey Begins Here:

1. Understanding Where You Are:
We start by getting real about where you are in life. What’s weighing you down? What dreams have you put on the back burner? We’ll dig deep to understand your challenges, aspirations, and what’s truly holding you back. This is where we set the foundation for your transformation.

2. Breaking Free from the Past:
Together, we’ll reconnect with your younger self to heal past wounds that may still be influencing your life today. This isn’t about reliving the past—it’s about releasing it, so you can move forward with a clean slate.

3. Mastering Your Inner World:
Life throws challenges your way, but with the right tools, you’ll learn to navigate them with ease. We’ll work on managing stress, calming your mind, and releasing emotional tension through practical, down-to-earth techniques. Imagine waking up each day feeling grounded, centered, and ready to take on whatever comes your way.

4. Cultivating Resilience and Positivity:
It’s time to shift your mindset. We’ll tackle negative thoughts and limiting beliefs head-on, replacing them with positivity and resilience. You’ll learn how to stay strong and adaptable, no matter what life throws at you.

5. Building a Life You Love:

With newfound clarity and purpose, we’ll create a plan that aligns with your deepest values and aspirations. Whether it’s advancing in your career, improving your relationships, or simply finding more joy in everyday life, you’ll have the tools and support to make it happen.

6. Thriving in Your Personal and Professional Life:
This journey isn’t just about feeling better—it’s about thriving. We’ll work on practical skills like energy management, boundary setting, and leadership so that you can operate at your highest potential, both personally and professionally.

In my 1:1 coaching program, you’re not just another client—you’re a partner in a journey that will change your life. Together, we’ll clear the path to a life filled with purpose, passion, and joy. Whether you’re looking for personal growth, professional success, or a blend of both, I’m here to guide you every step of the way.

Are you ready to stop feeling overwhelmed and start living a life you truly love?

Let’s make it happen!

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Pathfinder Coaching includes:

  • 90-minute-deep dive video call where we identify areas that need action and attention 

  • Weekly or Bi-Weekly, private hour to an hour thirty minutes depending on what is necessary, coaching video calls with Amanda (I don't watch the clock)

  • A personalized path tailored specifically to you, your needs and your desires

  • Lovework (aka homework) and reading assignments to keep you on track, focused and growing

  • Daily and weekly accountability and guidance to make sure we are on track.

  • Text messages and unlimited email support between sessions

  • Freedom to ask and share whatever you want

  • Deep life-changing distinctions, practices and daily rituals to enhance your life

  • Available in 3-, 6- or 9-month packages



Guided Path:
Monthly Private Individualized Coaching

Private Coaching Includes


  • One 90-minute Deep Dive video call where we identify areas that need action and/or attention

  • Deep life changing distinctions, practices and daily rituals to enhance life.

  • 1 private 60-minute video coaching session per month

  • Limited support through email and limited text

  • Weekly check-ins via text and accountability and more.

  • Monthly assignments.

  • Available in 6- or 9-month packages


Guided Path

What Each Session Includes

And much more ... it will all depend on how you are showing up and what's necessary in the moment.

Human behavior icon showing a head with bubles all around

Human Behavior

Accident icon showing a car crash

Trauma Informed 

Mandala in cranberry with a dark blue background

Spiritual Wisdom

Baby being held by hands

Childhood Wounds

Icon showing breathwork


Neuro Linguistic

Icon showing a head with gears for the brain


30Y+ Mentoring 

30+y knowledge of Coaching Icon with a group of people with one with a star over their head

and Coaching

Cognitive Work Icon showing a head with puzzle pieces needing to complete the picture

Cognitive Work

Qualifications in disciplines such as


Certified Trauma-Informed Master Coach


Master's Certification in NLP

Master Coaching from Elementum Coaching Institute 2022
ignlp certification logo
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