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Writer's pictureAmanda Christian

Why Do I Feel Emotionally Numb? Breaking Free from Emotional Numbness and the Grey World

Emotional Numbness - a woman in a barren landscape surrounded by a grey mist
Why do I feel emotionally numb?

Hey there, Brave Soul. Pull up a chair, grab your favorite mug, and let's chat about something that's been weighing on your heart: emotional numbness. That feeling of being trapped in a grey world, where everything seems muted and distant. If you've ever asked yourself, "Why do I feel emotionally numb?" know that you're not alone on this journey.

My Story: Living in Shades of Grey

Let me share a little secret with you. For years, I was the queen of emotional numbness. I walked through life like an Academy Award-winning actress, putting on a show of emotions I thought the world wanted to see. But inside? I felt dead. Empty. Numb.

It all started in my childhood. Those well-meaning but misguided adults who'd say, "You shouldn't feel that way." As if our emotions were something to be controlled, bottled up, and hidden away. So, I did what any good girl would do – I learned to stuff those feelings down deep.

As I grew older, feeling became too painful. It was easier to shut down, to live in that grey world where nothing could touch me. Oh, I became a wizard at faking emotions. I could laugh at jokes, cry at sad movies, and show anger when it was expected. But it was all an act. Inside, I was numb.

The Breaking Point: When Numbness Cracks

But here's the thing about emotional numbness - it's like a dam holding back a raging river. Eventually, something's got to give. For me, it was anger. All those pent-up emotions I'd been suppressing for years came bursting out in a torrent of rage that scared even me.

That was my wake-up call. I realized I couldn't go on living as an emotional zombie. I needed help. I needed to feel again, even if it scared the hell out of me.

The Journey Back to Feeling: Why Do I Feel Emotionally Numb?

So, why do we feel emotionally numb? It's our brain's way of protecting us from overwhelming pain or stress. Think of it as your mind's circuit breaker. When the emotional load gets too heavy, it flips the switch, shutting down our feelings to prevent a total meltdown.

But while this numbness might feel safe, it's not a place we're meant to live permanently. We're designed to feel, to experience the full spectrum of emotions – the good, the bad, and everything in between.

Breaking Free: My Path to Emotional Awakening

  1. Therapy: Healing the Wounded Child Within My journey back to feeling started with therapy. I had to dig deep, to face that wounded child inside who'd learned it wasn't safe to feel. It wasn't easy, there were days I wanted to run back to the safety of numbness. But I persevered, and slowly, I began to thaw.

  2. Learning to Identify Emotions Believe it or not, I had to learn what emotions felt like. It was like being a toddler again, putting names to these strange sensations in my body. Anger was a tightness in my jaw, a heat in my chest. Joy was a lightness, a bubbling feeling in my stomach.

  3. Validating My Feelings I had to unlearn years of conditioning that told me certain feelings were wrong or unacceptable. I practiced saying, "It's okay to feel this way" to myself, over and over again.

  4. Embracing Vulnerability Opening myself up to feelings meant being vulnerable. It meant risking getting hurt. But it also meant experiencing love, joy, and connection in ways I never had before.

The Adoption That Changed Everything

My journey took on a new meaning when I decided to adopt my son. Suddenly, it wasn't just about me anymore. I wanted to be able to identify and validate his emotions, to give him what I never had as a child. This tiny human became my greatest teacher in emotional intelligence.

Are You Feeling Numb? Signs to Watch For

If you're wondering whether you're experiencing emotional numbness, here are some signs to look out for:

  1. Feeling disconnected from the world around you

  2. Difficulty identifying or expressing your emotions

  3. Lack of interest in activities you once enjoyed

  4. Feeling like you're going through the motions of life

  5. Trouble connecting with others emotionally

  6. Feeling empty or hollow inside

Breaking Free: Tools to Overcome Emotional Numbness

Ready to break free from the grey world? Here are some tools that helped me, and might help you too:

  1. Grounding Exercises When you're feeling disconnected, try these:

    • Take deep breaths, focusing on the sensation of air entering and leaving your body

    • Hold an ice cube and concentrate on the cold sensation

    • Name five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste

  2. Emotional Check-Ins Set reminders throughout the day to check in with yourself. Ask, "How am I feeling right now?" Don't judge the emotion, just acknowledge it.

  3. Expressive Arts Sometimes, we need to bypass words to access our emotions. Try painting, dancing, or playing music to express what you're feeling.

  4. Mindfulness Meditation Practice being present in the moment. This can help you become more aware of your emotions as they arise.

  5. Physical Movement Exercise can help release pent-up emotions. Try yoga, running, or even a good old-fashioned dance party in your living room.

  6. Journaling Write about your experiences, even if you're not feeling much. Sometimes, the act of writing can help uncover hidden emotions.

  7. Seek Professional Help If you're struggling with persistent emotional numbness, don't hesitate to reach out to me here. I can provide valuable support and guidance on your journey back to feeling.

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

I won't sugar-coat it – the journey from numbness to feeling is not an easy one. There will be days when you'll want to retreat back into the grey world. Days when feeling seems too overwhelming, too raw.

But let me tell you something – it's worth it. The first time you belly laugh and realize it's genuine, the moment you cry and feel the release it brings, the day you look at someone you love and actually feel that love coursing through your veins – those moments are priceless.

Your Invitation: Take the Emotional Numbness Test

If you're still unsure about where you stand on the emotional numbness spectrum, I've got something for you. I've created an emotional numbness test that can help you gauge where you're at and provide some insight into your emotional landscape.

Take the Emotional Numbness Test Here

Remember, Brave Soul, this test is just a starting point. It's not a diagnosis, but it can be a helpful tool in your journey towards emotional awakening.

The Road Ahead: Embracing the Full Spectrum of Emotions

As you embark on this journey, remember that feeling numb doesn't make you broken. It doesn't make you less than. It's simply a coping mechanism that you've outgrown. You're ready for more, for the full, vibrant, sometimes messy experience of being human.

So, Brave Soul, are you ready to step out of the grey world and into a life filled with color? It won't always be easy, but I promise you, it will be worth it. You'll laugh harder, love deeper, and yes, sometimes hurt more intensely. But that's the beauty of being alive, of being human.

And remember, you're not alone on this journey. Reach out, seek help, and most importantly, be patient and kind to yourself as you learn to feel again.

Here's to breaking free from emotional numbness and embracing the beautiful, messy, wonderful world of feelings. Your colorful life is waiting for you.

Amanda's Signature
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